A couple months ago I signed up for a Doctor Who crafty swap. It was very similar to the mini quilt swap I did back in June. You sign up, tell the organizer your likes, dislikes and more. However instead of basic things, it’s all about what you like, dislike, etc about DOCTOR WHO!
The super awesome Rae of Rae’s Making It organized this brilliant swap, and lucky me, she was also the one who got my name!!!
I received a package in the mail this past Saturday STUFFED with what you see above and more.
First there was the AMAZING mini quilt that featured the very memorable scene from the “Silence in the Library” episode. She free hand appliqued the loose skull in the astronauts outfit, AND to top it off she free motion quilted “Who turned off the lights?” over and over again in the background. It’s so well done, I’m beyond impressed.

On the question-ere, I mentioned that I my favorite Doctor Who villain is the Daleks. I have a Dalek toy army I’ve been collecting for almost a decade now. It use to be harder to find the toys, but because of the shows growing popularity, I’m able to buy them more often. Rae ran with this and made me my own unique watercolor and embroidered Dalek to add to my collection. I had watched her make it through Instagram and was so happy its now mine!
Also included in the package was a one of a kind watercolor done by Rae placed in a super cute metal frame. It’s already sitting with my Tardis collection! (yes, I know, I have too many collections!) There was also a Cyberman bust that included a tiny book (that will go great with my tiny Tardis book), a comic book inspired Doctor Who mug, a nice pile of cute fabric and a paint your own nutcracker kit for CT (that she ran off with right away).
I am beyond grateful for everything that was in the box. This was such a neat swap and I would totally do it again.
Oh and I’ll totally share what I made for my partner once she receives it. I was a few days late mailing it, so I may have to wait until next week.
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