My First Finished Ceramic Pieces…

My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life}My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life}Last week was my final ceramics class in the first session with Kristen Swanson. Not the last class ever, since I already signed up for the second session, just the last one is session one.

My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life} My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life}

The last class was all about glazing all the pieces we had made, which was super exciting. I had been itching to bring these babies home.

My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life} My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life} My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life}

Once they were home I was still excited and decided each one needed it’s own photo shoot.

My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life} My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life}

So that is what I did!

My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life} My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life}

I have been sharing these on IG and will probably continue with the next batch as well.

My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life} My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life}

So if you’d like to follow along, just check out my InstaGram!

My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life} My First Finished Ceramic Pieces... {an Art School Dropout's life}

The next session is all about tall cylinders, trays and matching cup sets! I am still so excited!!!!!

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Toy Photography & #the100dayproject: 015 thru 021

#100dayproject / Toy Photography {an Art School Dropout's life}

Here is my third post dedicated to my toy portrait series! It has been so fun to work on!!

It’s forcing me to think of background and scenery that compliment the toy and not just a plain white background (though sometimes that is the complimentary color) I have missed days here and there, BIG TIME, but that’s fine! This is my project and my schedule. If it takes 400 days to finish the 100 day project, then so be it!! :)

#100dayproject / Toy Photography {an Art School Dropout's life} #100dayproject / Toy Photography {an Art School Dropout's life} #100dayproject / Toy Photography {an Art School Dropout's life} #100dayproject / Toy Photography {an Art School Dropout's life} #100dayproject / Toy Photography {an Art School Dropout's life} #100dayproject / Toy Photography {an Art School Dropout's life}

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Toy Photography: The Doctors Mess

Toy Photos: The Doctors Mess by Jessee Maloney {an Art School Dropout's life} #lego #doctorwhoI have decided to start giving myself some free time to do the things I love that aren’t sewing! This means drawing, painting, walking around museums, learning tech stuff, reading, casting plastic and taking pictures of toys.

I know that a lot of my followers might find this silly and uninteresting, but I don’t. I did start a new InstaGram account for my toy photos, just so I could divide my worlds a tiny bit. If you are on IG and are interested, you can find my profile here.

I’ll post my favorites here now and then just to break up all the posts about quilting!

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