Behind The Scenes: Fragmented Juxtapose Necklaces

It’s been almost a year since the last time I made a Juxtapose Necklace! They were THE item that helped launch Art School Dropout 9 years ago. I have made over 1000 of them!! Yet somehow I hadn’t made any in a year. Craziness. I guess I needed the break.

Well, Yesterday I decided to lug out all of my beading supplies and try my hand at some new necklaces. I had the idea of mixing my original style Juxtapose Necklace with my new Fragmented Necklaces while I was sick. It stewed in my head the entire week!

Apparently I designed the fragmented pieces in the same form as my Juxtapose Necklaces because it was really easy to combine them! I finished about five before running out of wire. I’m hoping to photograph them tomorrow and have them in the shop by the end of this week. I’m excited!

Do you like the new pieces? Are there color combos you would like to see? Feedback is always welcome!!!


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