Behind the Scenes: Preparing for BlytheCon


In early August I took a trip to Seattle, WA to be a vendor at BlytheCon 2014. I spent most of June and July preparing for the show. There was lots of casting, cutting, sewing and building.

I had documented some of it over on Instagram and thought it would be neat to put it all together here on the blog.

Blythecon_prep_007 Blythecon_prep_006 Blythecon_prep_005 Blythecon_prep_004 Blythecon_prep_003 Blythecon_prep_002 I had a lot of fun coming up with new designs and trying to figure out how to make a display that would fit in my suitcase. The show itself was sort of a bust (I’ll talk more about that later) but the trip was great! I can’t wait to share more.

 Also, if you are new here and would like to keep up on all the new projects I will be posting then please add me on BlogLovin!

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Behind The Scenes: Preparing for Crafty Bastards 2013

CB_PREP_001 CB_PREP_002 CB_PREP_003 CB_PREP_004 CB_PREP_005 CB_PREP_006 CB_PREP_007 CB_PREP_008 CB_PREP_009 CB_PREP_010I’m in full blown assembly line mode! I’m scrambling around to get everything together, packaged and priced in time for Crafty Bastards on Sept 29th! (it’s a 2 day show, but I will only be vending on sunday). I also have to cast a bunch of necklaces for an upcoming event I’m partaking in, and I need to build new displays to accommodate all the new designs I’ve made! If this was four years ago when I wasn’t also a mommy, I wouldn’t be stressing, but these days I have to make sure I don’t work too many hours each day. I don’t want CT to feel ignored because I put too much on my plate. I think I’m doing ok.

Oh and I got overly ambitious and decided to make a dress to match my new jewelry to wear at the show. Yep, I’m THAT lady! At least this is the only show I’m doing this year and afterwards I get two weeks of relaxing before we all head to NYC!!

I’m excited and stressed about it all!! Bring on the social anxiety ridden events! I’m ready!

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Behind the Scenes: Organizing the Workroom

I spent some time this weekend FINALLY organizing my workroom, or trying to at least. The poor room has been in shambles since February, which is when I started on the gluten testing (and got super sick and weak). I had been just throwing stuff in boxes on the floor or on the table. Nothing was where it was supposed to be and it was starting to get out of hand. How could I start working again if I couldn’t find anything?

I wish I could say I finished the room, but if that was true, you would see more than close up pictures! I still have a lot of work to do. I need to install some more shelves in the closet for supplies that are only used every so often. I need a few more containers for scrap fabric (all the blue and green fabrics are just in piles until this happens). I need to get all my quilting fabric on bolts and out of the baskets to make room for more apparel fabric (I have plans). I need to transfer all my beading supplies to one area. I need some actual lighting and maybe a chair? Ha. yeah, that’s the state of things, I don’t even have a chair!

I’m also thinking of doing some cosmetic things in the room, just to make it pretty to me. I was thinking last night about maybe a chalkboard wall? I have one in my kitchen and love it, but I’m a bit worried about a mess. The one in the kitchen leaves chalk dust all over the baseboards and wood floors. It’s easy enough to clean up, but I don’t know how easy that would be on carpet. Has anyone else had experience with this? How about Chalk Pens? Maybe they wouldn’t have the dust? (I think I have one around here somewhere to try out)

Once this room is done, just like the kitchenette, I’ll share more photos!!

Oh and friendly reminder! make sure to check out yesterdays post where you can win a Blue Garden necklace, just by telling me your favorite color combo!

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Behind The Scenes: Preparing for Crafty Bastards 2012

Above is a photo of some of the tools and supplies I will be using today. I will also be using scissors, a large paper cutter, a table saw, a drill, a dremel, a hammer and some nails. Whew.

I’m still running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. This is the first show I’ve done with all my new pieces, so mass assembling, packaging and displays are all new to me again. Today is dedicated to putting chain on all the new necklaces, packaging them and assembling all the display pieces I cut out. I’m very happy with how everything is coming out, and I can’t wait to show you guys the fruit of my labor!!

If any of you reading this will be attending Crafty Bastards this Saturday in DC, then please check back here Friday for an exclusive, show only, coupon for our booth. Also, if you haven’t bought your tickets yet, they are now on sale online, Buy One Get One Free! If you wait until the day of the show, tickets are $5.

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Behind The Scenes: Fragmented Juxtapose Necklaces

It’s been almost a year since the last time I made a Juxtapose Necklace! They were THE item that helped launch Art School Dropout 9 years ago. I have made over 1000 of them!! Yet somehow I hadn’t made any in a year. Craziness. I guess I needed the break.

Well, Yesterday I decided to lug out all of my beading supplies and try my hand at some new necklaces. I had the idea of mixing my original style Juxtapose Necklace with my new Fragmented Necklaces while I was sick. It stewed in my head the entire week!

Apparently I designed the fragmented pieces in the same form as my Juxtapose Necklaces because it was really easy to combine them! I finished about five before running out of wire. I’m hoping to photograph them tomorrow and have them in the shop by the end of this week. I’m excited!

Do you like the new pieces? Are there color combos you would like to see? Feedback is always welcome!!!


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Behind The Scenes: CT’s Plus Sign Quilt

Right before we got super sick (were onto day 7 here) I was planning on finishing CT’s Plus Quilt that I’ve been dreaming on since January. I added a few more fabrics and redid the design a bit. It ended up being A LOT bigger than I had anticipated. Before accounting for seam allowance, binding and anything that could eat fabric, it measures 68″x88″. That’s almost twin quilt sized.  I can actually put this thing on CT’s bed when i’m done. That made me very happy.

I still need to sew all those little squares together, patch together the back, quilt it all up and bind it. Seems like a lot, but once I hit this point I feel good about it all, and usually finish it… within a year or so…

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