My Weekend: Crafty Bastards Recap

This weekend was pretty awesome! I was exhausted, but was happy to be out and about.

Saturday was Crafty Bastards. It is an Arts and Crafts Fair held in Washington DC. It’s pretty close to home and is almost always super busy, which is why I love the show so much.

Normally my husband or sister would help me at the show, but this year that just wasn’t in the cards. Instead, luckily, my friend Molly was able to help me! No offense to my husband or sister, but Molly was the absolute best helper I’ve ever had! Thank you! It made the show a bit calmer for me to have her there. Though the start of the show was of course hectic. I’m apparently not that great at giving directions (especially when im distracted by talking), so we missed a few exits and arrived late for set up. By the time we were done getting ready, shoppers were walking around, so the only picture I was able to get of my booth was the above one (it was my view of the booth all day). There were so many people I just couldn’t get a picture in any other direction. I need to get better with documenting things again. The show was great. It was in a new location, so I was a bit worried at first, but once the aisles filled up I felt fine. I sold a bunch of my new pieces, and I was able to see which pieces people liked more than others. That’s always useful. I was also able to see a bunch of old friends from the area and from other shows.

I was so tired from the week leading up to the show that I didn’t get up and shop as much as I usually do. I only gave myself the last 20 minutes to shop, so I was pretty much speed shopping! Ha. I did get a few neat things…

Above you can see the few items I got…

- The set of prints are by Berkley Illustration. They have loads of prints and it was really hard narrowing it down to two. If I had had more time I may have even purchased more. I just thought the Cowboy T-Rex print would complement are eclectic style the best , and the Hedgehog print is actually for someone else.

- The light aqua colored coyote skull is by Skullery. It’s actually a hand cast plastic replica. I talked to the artist for a minute or two, and found out that it is made out of the same material as my jewelry. How cool is that?!? I love odd things like this, but I only like replicas or faux versions. I just can’t bring myself to bring a real skull in the house, so these are perfect! I want more!!

- The large plush mushroom is by My Paper Crane. Heidi’s booth was actually right next to mine, and I saw this mushroom the second we started setting up. I love pretty much all the stuff she makes, but I am always drawn to the larger pieces. Larger pieces can be displayed on couches or on the ground. Perfect for someone running out of shelf space, like me. This particular piece is on the couch since CT thinks it’s hers. I tried to buy her something at the show, but they were sold out of her size, so since she’s careful with things I let her have the mushroom… for now.

This was the smallest, and quickest, shopping spree I’ve ever done at a show. I did collect a bunch of business cards from booths I really liked. So I may still get a few more items.

Crafty Bastards really was great this year, I really enjoyed it and I hope to do it again next year!!

Oh and Sunday I started holiday shopping, with a quick stop at an antique mall. It wasn’t AS exciting as Saturday, but I did find some neat things. I’ll share them tomorrow!

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Crafty Bastards is Tomorrow…


I’ve been super duper busy all week. Tomorrow is Crafty Bastards and I’m ready! (I bet you’re sick of hearing about it! I promise there will only be one more post, a recap post to be exact)

If you are one of the, close to 1700 shoppers, who purchased tickets for tomorrows events, then this post is for you! If you haven’t bought tickets yet, your last chance to get the Buy One Get One Free deal is tonight!

Above is a coupon just for Crafty Bastards shoppers! $5 off any purchase of $25 or more. You can either print out the coupon (by clicking on the image for a better version and then printing) or you can just mention that you saw this post and would like the discount. The later version is great for those who are low on ink, paper or just don’t want to waste either!

I am in booth #84, right in between My Paper Crane and Tina Seamonster. Come on by and say hi! If you’re not in the area, but would love to see updates from the show, please add us on either Twitter or Instagram.

No matter what everyone is doing this weekend, I hope it’s a nice one!


If I Had Unlimited Funds: Crafty Bastards 2012

I know I will probably be spending most of my time behind the table at Crafty Bastards, but If I sell out or had unlimited funds, I’d love to buy…

1Flanksy Giant Squidious Monster by Cotton Monster (I seriously love everything she makes!! We already have one of her huge bottom feeders, a few watchful eyes and a pentapod but I always want MORE. Jennifer also has a few items available through Land of Nod this holiday season, you should check them out!)

2Vintage Wood Globe Tag by Neogranny /// 3Okapi Scarf – White and Black Hand Printed Infinity Scarf by Bark Decor

4Mr Hedgehog is a Southern Gentleman Nite Lite by You Know (the illustration is done by another Crafty bastards vendor Berkley Illustration)

5 - Lavender Belt by Miss Alison(I LOVE her belts! I have a few and I can say for a fact that they last awhile! After years of use, they still look perfect. Oh, and their vegan!) /// 6Dot Dash Asphalt Scoop Neck Tee by maryink (Whenever my baby sister helps me at shows, she usually ends up picking up a shirt by these guys! They’re so soft and vibrant)

7The Pizzasaurus Necklace by Snash Jewelry (Ok, this is awesome! It’s a Dinosaur skull eating a pizza!!! Even my husband thinks I NEED this necklace!)

8The Grateful Bun-Bun by Horrible Adorables (I just love faux taxidermy) /// 9Appalachian Trail print by Peaceful Traveler (we live about a mile, or less, from the Appalachian trail, which makes this print super neat and a perfect addition to our home)

This is just a small selection of all the awesome vendors that you will see at Crafty Bastards this year. If you would like to see the whole list, and booth numbers, then check out the vendor list.

Oh and we’ll be there, booth #84! Come say hi!!

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Behind The Scenes: Preparing for Crafty Bastards 2012

Above is a photo of some of the tools and supplies I will be using today. I will also be using scissors, a large paper cutter, a table saw, a drill, a dremel, a hammer and some nails. Whew.

I’m still running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. This is the first show I’ve done with all my new pieces, so mass assembling, packaging and displays are all new to me again. Today is dedicated to putting chain on all the new necklaces, packaging them and assembling all the display pieces I cut out. I’m very happy with how everything is coming out, and I can’t wait to show you guys the fruit of my labor!!

If any of you reading this will be attending Crafty Bastards this Saturday in DC, then please check back here Friday for an exclusive, show only, coupon for our booth. Also, if you haven’t bought your tickets yet, they are now on sale online, Buy One Get One Free! If you wait until the day of the show, tickets are $5.

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My Weekend: At Home

We didn’t really do anything this weekend. I had loads of work to do in preparation for Crafty Bastards while also dealing with a cold and some bad news about a family member.

I was up way too early today and will probably be going to bed late tonight. I have a list a mile long and not enough hours to finish. My husband always says whatever I finish for a show is enough. I’ll try and keep that in mind while I work this week away!

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Yep, Still Sick…

Just when I thought we were all getting better, We all got WAY WORSE! We’ve spent almost four days now hanging out on the couch in the bedroom, I’ve hardly even seen the downstairs. It seems the days are all about resting and the nights are all about coughing, puking and NOT resting. Ugh. I just want this to be over.

All the down time has given me time to come up with new projects. I pulled all the above fabrics from my stash for some vacation themed dresses for CT. I’m excited to try out my ideas… once I’m feeling up to it.

I also have been sketching out new craft show displays! I’m about to purchase a new scroll saw (that way I dont have to bug my mom) and I figured I could make something modular and adjustable. I MAY be getting in over my head, but who knows, maybe it’ll work. It’s always worth a try.

Picking out or making things for my tent or table displays is always my favorite part of doing shows. I’ve been toying with the idea of sharing some of my favorite set ups by price range. Would anyone be interested in seeing that?

Well, I’m off to go cuddle up with CT some more! Let’s all cross our fingers that today is the last day of this nasty cold!!