Shop Update: Hand Painted Acrylic Jewelry and More PreOrders

Shop Update: Hand Painted Acrylic Jewelry and More PreOrders {an Art School Dropout's life}

This year has been all about experimenting and growing as an artist.

So this weeks shop update is all about surface design on jewelry. I drew up some wonky shapes, laser cut them out of acrylic, hand painted each one and then covered the tiny abstract painting in resin.

Shop Update: Hand Painted Acrylic Jewelry and More PreOrders {an Art School Dropout's life}

These have been so much fun to make and I love that each and every one is 100% one of a kind.

Shop Update: Hand Painted Acrylic Jewelry and More PreOrders {an Art School Dropout's life}

I also took some of my new ceramics designs and translated them to jewelry. These pieces are designed by me, then laser cut and engraved by me and then I fill in the engraved parts in different colors of paint. The finished pieces are so neat to look at and wear!

You can find all the new jewelry pieces here.

Shop Update: Hand Painted Acrylic Jewelry and More PreOrders {an Art School Dropout's life}

In other news, all of the Crafty Bitches Club tshirts have shipped. Once photos started popping up of people wearing them I got a lot of requests for more. So I have started a second preorder with a delivery of early July. If you want to get in on this second run, just click on over to the order page here.

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Shop Update: Hand Painted Wood

Shop Update: Hand Painted Wood {an Art School Dropout's life}

I have been trying to mix things up and have a theme for each shop update! This month’s theme was hand painted laser cut wood (with one or two exceptions)

Shop Update: Hand Painted Wood {an Art School Dropout's life}

Shop Update: Hand Painted Wood {an Art School Dropout's life}

I went through my old sketchbooks and picked several designs that I thought would make neat brooches. They are all based off my own taste, but I will be open to suggestions in the coming months.

Shop Update: Hand Painted Wood {an Art School Dropout's life} Shop Update: Hand Painted Wood {an Art School Dropout's life}

I also went through some of my fabric designs and took out a few elements here and there as tests.

All in all I’m very proud of all the new pieces and love seeing them up in the shop.

Shop Update: Hand Painted Wood {an Art School Dropout's life}

Oh and I also threw in some new XL Wall Scissors to mix things up a bit! These are made from 1/4″ MDF with Designer Fabric fused to the surface before laser cutting. They are a great addition to any sewing room (or any space really).

You can find all of these pieces plus more in the shop!

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Shop Update: Crafty Bitches Club…


Are you part of the Crafty Bitches Club? Do you want to be? If you answered yes to either of those, then you need one of the newest additions to the shop!

There are a couple variations available with more on the way!

First up is the T-shirt shown above! It is professionally printed on a black American Apparel Tri-Blend Crew Neck shirt up to size XL and solid black in XXL. They are currently available for Pre-order with delivery stated for mid April.


If you are more of a subtle Crafty Bitch, then you may like our handmade laser cut Needle Minders or Pins!

They are available in the design above OR a handful of other sassy sayings.

Photo Feb 27, 1 04 37 PM

You can find all of this and much more in the shop! It’s currently all first come first serve with no updates scheduled for at least a month or so.

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Shop Update: Looms


A few months back I made these laser cut looms for my Girl Scout troop so we could all learn to weave! The girl absolutely loved them.

I had posted about them on social media, as I usually do, and I received A LOT of comments asking when I would sell them. I was currently swamped with freelance work and knew I couldn’t handle the orders. So I held off.

Well, fast forward to a week or so ago, and a few friends kindly asked if I would make their shop/kid/them a loom or twelve. I said yes, and then decided to just add them to the shop!


Which brings us to today! They are now available in the shop in two sizes, with more to come and can be customized with a name or saying of you choice!

I am absolutely loving the process of making these and hope to continue for awhile.

Photo Jan 23, 9 36 15 AM

You can find the above looms, plus other weaving tools in the shop!

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