Thrift Finds: August 28th thru September 6th

What started as “lets just go to one yard sale, the one right down the street” turned into an all day thrifting adventure! We stopped by the yard sale down the street, which wasn’t that great and then we drove around looking for more. We figured we were already passing by some of our favorite stops, so why not look around? In the end we stopped at every Flea Market, Antique Store and Thrift Store within our, normally 20 minute, drive to Frederick.

I found a bunch of great stuff, but I didn’t buy it all! I’m getting better!

First off is this awesome embroidered yarn deer art already framed. I passed by in several times trying to figure out if I had room for it in my house. I finally just put it in my cart and decided I’d find room later. I have a lot of deer artwork in my house, It fits right in. I’m actually thinking of putting it above the hutch in our library.

The Raggedy Ann piggy bank and the Mickey and Minnie salt and pepper shakers were no brainers! They go great with my collections. I’d seen them a bunch of times at the more expensive antique shops each going for more than $15 a piece. So of course I picked them up when they were less than $3.

How neat is this industrial lamp I found? I have been dreaming of one of these for my sewing room for awhile, but they were too expensive online. Especially for a room that only I see. So of course I was excited when I found this one for $15! It’s in great condition, it just needs to be re wired. (I may ask my brother in law for help with that). I can’t wait to hang it!

Of course no thrifting post is complete without some Pyrex! I also found some more holly leaf Corelle to go with my other pieces. I may just have a complete set by the holidays. My favorite find is that blue and white casserole dish in the middle. I had stopped by the Re-Store to look for some cabinets for our mud room. I was just walking around and saw this out of the corner of my eye in their dishes section. It was $2! Tasha helped me identify it too, she said its a Meadow casserole dish.

I don’t know how much thrifting we’ll be doing these upcoming weekends.

  • I have very large plans to finish CT’s room (that I will share along the way)
  • I’m making her a few princess dresses for our upcoming Disney trip (plus a totoro dress, hopefully).
  • I’m switching our art room and our guest room soon to make it more efficient for everyone. One is upstairs, one is in the basement.
  • I want to finish a few of the quilts I have half started
  • I’ve also started a bunch of handmade gifts for Christmas, I want to be done early this year so I can actually enjoy the holidays!

The list keeps going past that too, apparently I’ve given myself a lot to do. :) I’m totally fine with that, I like being kept busy.

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Collections: Pyrex

Today I present to you one of my newer and most addicting collections…

Vintage Pyrex!! My husband and I have been thrifting for years, and we always saw the Pyrex bowls and casseroles, but we never had room for them.

Well then came the house! and then came Pinterest! and then came Tasha! We finally had room, I was bombareded with awesome pyrex on pinterest and I met Tasha who is a HUGE collector and can tell you the name of any piece you show her. I realized owning ALL of these awesome pieces wouldn’t actually be THAT hard and I already had the Corelle to match… the words of an addict…

It started with that little yellow fridgie in the top left corner. I found it for $2 at a local antique mall. I loved how bright, colorful and sturdy it was. I NEEDED more…

and more…

It just keeps going! it took me close to 2.5 hours to round up all of my pieces, photograph them and put them back where they belong! I got a great workout yesterday, this stuff is heavy!!

You never really know the magnitude of a collection until you put it all in one place, in my case the dining room table, floor and chairs! After taking these photos I decided that from now on, I’m only going to buy the REALLY cool pieces, the rare ones, and the unusual ones. No more buying just because I found a piece, any piece, especially mugs! I never paid more than $15 for a piece, the average price is usually around $6, so it’s not like its an expensive hobby… Collecting really is an addiction. I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs so I guess this is my substitution?

It’s just really fun going to the thrift stores, antique malls, yard sales and flea markets looking for something special. Its a nice thing we do on the weekend together as a family. CT collects Pez now, so she gets in on the fun too! She finds at least one for $1 each time. I’ll show her collection soon enough.

I’m working on more collection pieces for the coming weeks, do you guys enjoy seeing them?

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Thrift Finds: March 30th thru April 18th

The weather is sooo much nicer, and it hasn’t rained super hard in awhile. It has been perfect weather for going to thrift stores, flea markets,yard sales and antique malls. I’ve been documenting my amazing finds on Instagram, but I thought it would be neat to show it all on here too!

Be warned, it’s been a good couple of weeks, so there’s a few photos!

As you can see, my pyrex collection, that WAS small, has grown A LOT! Plus I found a bunch of travel plates for my plate collection, a cute little desk for CT, a mini house for my house collection, a set of mugs for my Disney collection, an awesome silver plated jewelry box and THE KARATE KID (with arm chopping motion)!!

I think I may have said the word “collection” a few too many times, but I’m that kind of girl. The collecting kind.


oh and if anyone wants to see my daily finds, the day I find them, my Instagram user name is jesseesuem.


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