Last year my awesome friend Heidi and I started a personal challenge between the two of us called the Just Two Words Project. Each week we would each choose a word and illustrated something that used both words. We also chose a different type of finished piece that the two words would be used with.
This was a fun assignment that forced us to step outside our minds a bit and draw using prompts that weren’t entirely our own. I myself feel like it was some of my best work last year, and I loved working on all of them.
The only flaw in our project was we were doing it once a week. That was asking a lot of ourselves, and I think our real work started to take over and the Just Two Words project got pushed aside.
A few weeks ago, almost at the same time, we started to think about the project again. We both decided that maybe we should start it up again, but this time instead of once a week, we would do once a month! Then to step it up one more notch, we decided to make it a public prompt. Anyone can join. I think this will be a great way to build community among like minded people and see all the different ways people view two simple words.
As you can see from the first image in this post, we are starting the project up again today, February 1st! The words are Alphabet and Fish and the finished project is to be a rug. Your illustrations can be hand drawn, painted, digital or whatever othermedium you work in. You can start at any point during the month and you can post your finished piece anytime you like during February!
We are so so excited to see what everyone else comes up with and hope that everyone uses the hashtag #justtwowordsproject on every post and the #justtwowordseb for this month.
At the end of each month we will do a blog post on our own blogs showcasing our favorite posts by others along with a separate post showing our own designs. I personally like to wait until the end to show what I’ve worked on, kind of like a small little secret.
OK, I think that’s all the info needed. Have fun doing all the art!!
YES! This is awesome. I loved looking at both of your projects before. I was excited to read your bringing it back, but now you are opening it up to everyone else as well?! This is the best!