Today is my stop on Christa Watson’s Piece and Quilt with Precuts blog hop…
The Book:
Piece and Quilt with Precuts is a fantastic book that helps you use all of those precut bundles you have accumulated over the years. I know I have entire drawers dedicated to charm packs, and shelves filled with 10″ square packs and jelly rolls. Don’t even get me started on the fat quarter bundles!
In addition to 11 quilt patterns, there is also suggestions and 18 lessons on how to quilt them using your walking foot, free motion setting or a combo of the two. So Christa pretty much covers all the bases from the start of a quilt to the finished piece.
The Blocks I Made:
To show off one of the patterns in the book, I decided to make two blocks from the Twinkling Diamonds pattern.
Normally there would be 31 blocks measure 8″x12″, but due to other obligations, I couldn’t finish a whole quilt. After making my two blocks though, I’m kind of tempted to come back to this at a later time and make all 31. They went together so nicely and the instructions were very easy to understand.
Due to the large block size, a finished quilt top wouldn’t take you very long. So it would be a very satisfying finish.
For my blocks, I added extra fabric around the edges so I could make these in to a set of pillows for my couch. I haven’t quilted them up yet, but I’m totally following the suggested quilting motif shown in the book. It really is perfect for these blocks. I’m not too great at free motion quilting on my domestic machine, but luckily all her designs can easily be done on a longarm too.
The Fabric I Used:
First Block:
- Middle Section is one of Cotton and Steel’s basics called Sprinkle in Jelly Bracelet.
- Outside Section is my own abstract design from Spoonflower.
- Background is Andover Fabric’s Chambray in Black (my all time favorite!)
Second Block:
- Middle Section is Cotton and Steel / Alexia Abegg called Moons Pink.
- Outside Section is Cotton and Steel / Kim Kight called Little Pill Dot in Ice Blue.
- Background is Andover Fabric’s Chambray in Black (still my all time favorite!)
Bonus: The pattern was written in such a way where even the leftover pieces were ready to go. Look at this awesome half square triangle pile I ended up with! I’m thinking they need to be a third pillow to go with the bunch.
Where To Find The Book:
You can find Piece and Quilt with Precuts on Amazon, Martingale’s website and a SIGNED COPY in Christa’s shop.
The Giveaway:
- Christa and Martingale are giving away one digital copy of this book to one of my readers!
- I will be adding a digital copy of my Pixelated Circles Quilt and Spinning Icosahedron Quilt patterns as well.
All you need to do is comment below telling me your absolute favorite fabric that you don’t think you could sew without!
One entry per person, period. Any duplicate entries will be deleted. This giveaway will run for one week and will end Midnight Sept 1st EST. I will choose a winner within a few days of the end and get all of the important information at that time. This is open to all international readers as well since the prizes are digital.
Blog Hop Schedule:
Make sure you check out all of the other blog hop participants! They each made something completely different from the book and it’s all great inspiration. Plus,I believe a bunch of them are also doing giveaways. So that will help your odds! ;)
Christa Watson’s Initial Post!
Kathy Bruckman Blog: Kathy’s Kwilts and More IG: @kathyskwiltsandmore
Kate Colleran Blog: Seams Like a Dream IG: @seamslikeadreamquilts
Sharon Parcel Blog: Yellow Cat Quilt Designs IG: @punkydoodle53
Saturday August 19
Sandy Maxfield Blog: Sandy Star Designs IG: @sandystardesigns
Joanne Harris Blog: Quilts by Joanne IG: @turtlequilterjo
Teresa Mairal-Barreu Blog Sewn Up: IG: @teresadownunder
Monday August 21
Nancy Scott Blog: Masterpiece Quilting IG: @masterpiecequilting
Jenny Wilding Cardon Blog: Stitch This! IG: @martingaletpp
Lorinda Davis Blog: Laurel Poppy & Pine IG: @laurelpoppyandpine
Tuesday August 22
Sherry Shish Blog: Powered by Quilting IG: @poweredbyquilting
Michelle Bartholomew Blog: Michelle Bartholomew IG: @michellebartholomew
Allison Dutton Blog: Allison Sews IG: @allisonsews
Wednesday August 23
Lissa LaGreca Blog: Lovingly Lissa IG: @lovinglylissa
Sherri Noel Blog: Rebecca Mae Designs IG: @rebeccamaedesigns
Sandra Healy Blog: Sandra Healy Designs IG: @sandrahealydesigns
Thursday August 24
Laura Piland Blog: Slice of Pi Quilts IG: @sliceofpiquilts
Cheryl Brickey Blog: Meadow Mist Designs IG: @meadowmistdesigns
Jen Frost Blog: Faith and Fabric IG: @faithandfabric
Friday August 25
Jessica Caldwell Blog: Desert Bloom Quilting IG: @desertbloomquilting
Anjeanette Klinder Blog: Anjeanette Klinder IG: @anjeanetteklinder
Saturday August 26
Terri Vanden Bosch Blog: Meanderings Along Lizard Creek IG: @lizardcreekquilter
Suzy Webster Blog: Webster Quilt IG: @websterquilt
Katie Joy Church Blog: Wild Prairie Studio IG: @katie_joyquilts
Monday August 28
Pam Cobb Blog: The Stitch TV Show IG: @thestitchtvshow
Jen Rosin Blog: A Dream and a Stitch: IG: @adreamandastitch
Rashida Khanbhai Blog: No. 3 Quilt Studio IG: @no3quiltstudio
Tuesday August 29
Lynn Kline Blog: Monkey Needle IG: @monkeyneedle
Kathy Bruckman Blog: Kathy’s Kwilts and More IG: @kathyskwiltsandmore
Wednesday Aug 30
Jen Shaffer Blog: Patterns by Jen IG: @patternsbyjen
Sandra Starley Blog: Textile Time Travels IG: @textiletimetravels
Happy Quilting!!!
I always need Kona Snow at hand.
I have a collection of cream-on-cream prints from different designers and manufacturers that I always reach for when I need a background. I love the slight texture from the tonal print. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I love anything from Kansas Troubles. I’m partial to those browns, golds, greens, and reds.
These turned out so beautifully! Thanks for being part of the hop!
For the Block of the month at the Guild meetings we were requested to use Kona White so the blocks would be go together nicely in a quilt and I have been using the white in other quilts with good results.
Love your fabric colors-love to use Kona cotton solids-the choices are wonderful! Thank you for sharing, Susan
Kona cottons are my go-to fabric.
Kona solids are on my must have list.
Seriously? I have to pick ONE favourite fabric? I’ve only completed 3 quilts in my short quilting lifetime, and they’ve all been so different (no fabrics in common). I will say that I’m a big fan of tone-on-tone fabrics (is that what they call “blenders”?). Bought my first yardage of solid fabric a couple of weeks ago so we’ll see if I’m a convert! Great colour choices for your “Twinkling Diamonds” — I could go for a few new pillows, too :)
I love working with batiks. Thanks for sharing the great giveaway!
Anything Cotton and Steel!
I can’t live without my Kona cottons!
I must have Halloween fabric in my stash. There almost always seems to be a Halloween quilt on the go. I recently did a quilt top in all Halloween batiks and those fabrics are my favourite.
I don’t have one favorite fabric. I just love fabric in general. : ) I do especially like working with batiks and I also keep a collection of white on whites that I like to use as background fabrics.
I love to have Kona Snow White on hand. I tend to use a lot of white and I love Kona
Your blocks are so pretty.
My must use fabrics are batiks. Thank you for sharing your project.
Beautiful blocks! I love Kona cottons, but also need my Cotton + Steel!
Such a neat Block! Thank You for sharing on your Blog+this Giveaway!!!
Just give me cotton with a gorgeous print. It can be batik, or Civil war, I do not care. Just so long as it speaks to me, I am happy!
Your fabric choices are amazing. I have learned to love grey, look at yours and how wonderful it looks.
Thanks for great giveaway.
Those will make wonderful pillows! I might do that in my living room, because it could use some pillows.
I am anxious to use some kaffe fassett fabric I have. It is so pretty. I’ve had it a few years and know I need to use it next.
I *love* your great fabric choices for Christa’s pattern!
(Your own Spoonflower fabric is *wonderful*, too!)
I can see why the Chambray in black is your favorite fabric to sew with… It does go SO perfectly with the modern, bright colors that I love, too!
I also like low volume fabrics, for contrast…
I like whites with black and greys, too…
Oh, and I do like saturated-color fabrics…
Oh, and batiks, too…
(sigh)… I’m afraid if I have to have just ONE answer to “my favorite fabric to sew with”… I’d have to say, “cotton”!!!!
Pat T.
Neutrals! I always have an assortment of neutrals on hand, whether they are left over from another project or bought new. I absolutely could no sew without them.
My absolute favorite has been Kona Ash but I’m starting to move toward Kona Snow.
I love my white/cream-on-white/cream!
I don’t really have one fabric I can’t live without, but I am a total sucker for novelty/ juvenile prints. I love this block, and they will make lovely pillows!
I love my low volume blenders that I try to keep on hand. Thanks for the giveaway
My favorite design team is Sweetwater, hands down. But, if I had to pick one fabric, it would be navy modern herringbone by Joel Dewberry.
I really love grunge fabrics! I don’t have a lot though…keep wishing I could find them on a great sale and then I’d buy a bunch! Thanks for sharing you blocks.
My favorite is Kona white or pewter! Thank you.
I love your colors. I have so many favorites. I can’t pin it down to just one.
I need Island Batiks.
I can’t live without white Kona cotton. I use it for thread sketching and multimedia quilts.
Like many others, my go to fabric is Kona Snow. Recently, though, I have been looking at various shades of gray – trying to find a true gray without the overtones of another color. Love the twirling diamonds, but that block may stretch my beginner skills, so I’m planning to start with one of the simpler designs.
I love Moda Marbles!
I love to sew wi th my batik fabrics. I just love the rich colors.Cynthia
I cannot live without Kona cotton in grey!
I suppose textures and solids. I love gray, white and cream for backgrounds.
My favorite fabrics are batiks, but my background fabric is almost always white.
Love your blocks! The dark gray really sets them nicely. Must-have quilting fabric is light colored neutrals in all sorts of prints. I tend toward scrappy quilt tops but I am currently working on a quilt that is all solids. Though I do enjoy piecing the solids, I sorta miss my scrappiness.
I use a lot of Kona Cotton Snow in my quilts.
I really love Christmas and holiday prints. I would hate to not be able to buy them.
I love Essex linen. Thanks!
I always have a stock of tone on tone fabrics, they are so useful
I love Kona solids and couldn’t quilt without Kona Snow.
For years my go to fabric has been Kona Black. But more recently I’ve been branching out and using lighter backgrounds in several things.
I love to sneak a little bit of a black and white 1/4″ check into a quilt.
Always like to have Kona Black on hand. A little pop of black here and there are what might be needed.
I love this pattern – I’d love to make a quilt!
I like any fabric by Alison Glass
I haven’t been quilting long enough to have a favorite fabric, I think. I love purples, blues, and greens. Theses colors catch my eye and I’m hooked.
I couldn’t live without my Kaffe Fasset fabrics!
i love Tula Pink fabrics and Alison Glass – but anything batik also makes me swoon so Iguess Iam all over the place on Fav fabric! :0
I really love my batiks. But I always love having some basic whites on hand.
Modal solids are my very favorite. Always the right shade you need.
Well there are several fabrics that I love to keep in my stash but one that I love mostly is Moda Grunge. I get excited every time I see a new Grunge color. Loving this diamond block.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com