Collections: Toy Scooters

I took a bit of a break from the collections posts, only because my collections were all put away while we painted!

I’m back this Monday with another smaller collection, but one that I love no less.

Toy Scooters! I have more than pictured, but again their still packed away and waiting for a permanent home, in our home. My thing for scooters started almost 10 years ago when my car broke down and I needed a new form of transportation in the city (Baltimore City to be exact). I would pine over the Vespa adds in the newspaper every week. It wasnt until a year later Adult Swim started airing the anime FlCl. A slightly confusing but awesome show, about a girl possibly from outer space that is annoying a young boy with loads of problems. (I’m being vague on purpose, because I think you should go watch it on netflix now, and I don’t want to give anything away). Anyway, the main girl rides an awesome mustard colored scooter with some odd modifications…


… and this is the scooter above! It was my first toy scooter purchase!! It actually came with the character too, but she fell apart pretty quickly.

A few months after that awesome purchase I got to have a real scooter of my own!!! It was a baby blue and cream colored Honda Metropolitan II. I couldn’t have a Vespa because my legs were just too short and I would have toppled over. Ha. I drove that thing everywhere! I loved it so much. Sadly I can’t seem to find pictures of it on this computer, I’m going to search around the house and see what I come up with.

Back to the toy scooters… The collection grew very fast after owning my own human sized version and every time I saw a teeny tiny scooter, or even a large Barbie scooter, I’d pick them up!

I’m still on the lookout for more, though it seems the craze has died down a little in our area. So I don’t see them as often.

And as for the real scooter, I sold it when I became pregnant with CT. We didn’t think I’d get much use out of it in the country and a friend really needed a replacement for her stolen scooter. I seriously miss it all the time. We are still talking about getting me another one day, but this time it’ll look more like the FlCl scooter, P! sticker and all!

I’m one of THOSE nerds.

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