Thrift Finds: October 10th thru November 14th

As I’ve said before, this time of year is just crazy for our family. Between craft shows, get togethers, holiday shopping, horrible weather (and dealing with insurance companies), and lots of other stuff, I don’t really have time to do the things I really enjoy. I haven’t been able to sculpt much, or sew anything that isn’t a gift (which means I can’t share until the new year). I also haven’t had much of a chance to thrift. There just wasn’t enough time in each day.

Well, this past weekend my husband thought it would be a nice to go treasure hunting again. We didn’t have too much time to go all over the place, plus CT has been very curious and has to touch EVERYTHING, not a good thing when their glass everywhere. Even with those limitations we still found some neat things…

The two pieces of Pyrex in the middle weren’t from this weekends trip. The bread loaf dish on top my mom found and gave to me and the casserole on the bottom I found for $1 during a quick pop in at a Goodwill, a week or so ago. I try not to buy pieces that are similar to ones I already have, but it was $1 and it’s a good size to use for Thanksgiving (which I’m having at my house for JC’s family).

The blue and yellow mini casseroles were an awesome find! I have been wanting the 8oz size for awhile now and was so happy to find them. Apparently friends of mine had seen them too, but left them behind! Thank you friends! Ha.

The Pez are for CT’s collection. She didn’t have the weird blog monster in middle, which she has named the “milk man”, so I picked them up for her.

Another awesome find, from the same shop as the mini Pyrex, was this Disney themed metal dollhouse! It was 50% off! This thing combines two of my favorite things to collect, Houses and Disney! I already have a metal dollhouse in my library, but I think I like this one better, so I may be switching them out.

These awesome holiday themed Corelle plates were the last of my finds. Like, they were actually the last thing I found before checking out. I was super excited because they mostly complete my set. The woman in line in front of me was also excited and tried to convince me NOT to get them! Ha. Who does that?!? Apparently I’m not the only one trying to complete a set.

So now that I have these holiday plates, I guess that means I have to actually use them? Maybe I’ll do a family dinner or something. Maybe.

I have plans to go out again this weekend. I’m on the lookout for some specific types of holiday decorations, I’m in winter decorating mode. Is it to early?

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