If you have been reading this blog for awhile, then you know I absolutely love designing repeat patterns. You would also know that a little less than a year ago, I decided to cut back on the jewelry side of Art School Dropout and focus more on the art and quilting side. One of my goals was to properly learn Illustrator. Well, I’m nowhere near perfect, but I’m getting there. The only issue I’ve been having though is narrowing down ideas. I seriously just sit and stare at my sketchbook wondering “what do I draw today?” but then I get super frustrated and start doodling triangles. Don’t get me wrong, triangles are great, but I feel like I’m wasting my time and skills by not trying to draw something else.
I brought this frustration up to my friend Heidi not too long ago. She has been spending time watching the CreativeBug Fabric Design course and wanted to test out her new knowledge. She had the brilliant idea of giving ourselves weekly (or biweekly) design challenges that had a specific theme and end project. For the theme we would each choose a word and combine them. We also wouldn’t share anything we had drawn until the next week or so, that way the finished project was a complete surprise and we didn’t influence one another. The second I heard this idea I said “YES!” and possibly some curse words.
Last week was our first week and the theme was Bugs & Teacups and the finished piece was to be a repeat pattern. At first I was super excited and went straight to my sketchbook. I drew pages of bugs, started scanning them in and digitizing them. I won’t lie, I got super frustrated with the teacups and put off drawing them for as long as I could. I just wanted to draw bugs. I may have sent text’s stating just how much I hated Teacups…
We started this challenge on Monday, and I didn’t get to the teacups until Saturday night. I’m glad I waited though because I’m really happy with how they ended up. I placed a bug on each cup, except for one, which had a bug crawling out of it. Kind of like it was hiding among the bug illustrations. This concept is where I came up with the name for the line, In Plain Sight.
I’m not 100% sure what I will do with this collection. It was made for fun and to add to my portfolio. I DID order some spoonflower swatches just to see, but I can’t guarantee that I will sell fabric. I’m still trying to decide. the best part though? I can change my mind whenever I like!
I absolutely loved this challenge, and I loved seeing what Heidi came up with too. We both have very different styles and view things in different ways. She has this magic ability to make everything super cute, and I like to go the geometric route. This weeks challenge has already been chosen, and I’m really looking forward to Monday to share my idea and see what Heidi came up. Mondays wont be as bad now, huh?
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