I’ve Decided to Make Jewelry Again…

As the title said, I am making jewelry again! I just couldn’t stay away. I’ve been posting video to my IG stories of the process (the new snapchat feature they added) and I’ve been posting photos of some of the new pieces coming soon.

I figured I’d share a few here too…

I've Decided to Make Jewelry Again... {an Art School Dropout's life} Hexagon JewelryI've Decided to Make Jewelry Again... {an Art School Dropout's life} Hexagon JewelryI've Decided to Make Jewelry Again... {an Art School Dropout's life} Hexagon JewelryI've Decided to Make Jewelry Again... {an Art School Dropout's life} Hexagon JewelryI've Decided to Make Jewelry Again... {an Art School Dropout's life} Hexagon JewelryI've Decided to Make Jewelry Again... {an Art School Dropout's life} Hexagon JewelryI've Decided to Make Jewelry Again... {an Art School Dropout's life} Hexagon JewelryI’ve been pretty busy working on lots of Quilt Market goodies and these new jewelry pieces, so I don’t have much to share other than this. I’m hoping to change that up soon enough. As for a shop update, I’m shooting for the second week of October. So if you were interested, keep an eye on my blog, IG account or new shop.

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Behind The Scenes: Preparing for Crafty Bastards 2013

CB_PREP_001 CB_PREP_002 CB_PREP_003 CB_PREP_004 CB_PREP_005 CB_PREP_006 CB_PREP_007 CB_PREP_008 CB_PREP_009 CB_PREP_010I’m in full blown assembly line mode! I’m scrambling around to get everything together, packaged and priced in time for Crafty Bastards on Sept 29th! (it’s a 2 day show, but I will only be vending on sunday). I also have to cast a bunch of necklaces for an upcoming event I’m partaking in, and I need to build new displays to accommodate all the new designs I’ve made! If this was four years ago when I wasn’t also a mommy, I wouldn’t be stressing, but these days I have to make sure I don’t work too many hours each day. I don’t want CT to feel ignored because I put too much on my plate. I think I’m doing ok.

Oh and I got overly ambitious and decided to make a dress to match my new jewelry to wear at the show. Yep, I’m THAT lady! At least this is the only show I’m doing this year and afterwards I get two weeks of relaxing before we all head to NYC!!

I’m excited and stressed about it all!! Bring on the social anxiety ridden events! I’m ready!

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Behind the Scenes: Triangle Earrings, Necklace or Sweater Clips?

seethroughearrings_001I made these new triangle pieces in a few color combos that were half clear and half opaque. I LOVE them but can’t decide what i should use them for.

Should they be post earrings? the post would be glued on the opaque part

Should they be incorporated into some kind of necklace with lots of chain?

Should I try my hand at sweater clips or collar clips?

This is something I’ve actually been stumped on for weeks now. THIS. I feel like I’m spending too much time deciding and thought someone out there could help me!!

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Adventures in Casting: Rings

rings003rings002rings001 rings004 rings005Lately I’ve been testing my limits when it comes to casting. I’ve been doing it for so long, yet I keep using the same supplies and same process each time. Using the glitter as a filler lately has opened my eyes again and all I want to do is Cast things for me now. Stuff to test what I can do exactly. I know how to make a two part, 3D mold (as you can see here) but it’s not how I mainly cast things. I usually just build a foam core box and lay things flat on the bottom and fill it with silicone. Simple. Well, that doesn’t work for everything, like say, rings. I had to do a lot of testing with the silicone and the way I lay the pieces in the boxes. After a few mishaps with the silicone reacting badly with glue, double sided sticky tape not being sticky, etc, I ended up with the pieces you see above!!

The originals were hematite rings. The kind you get at the beach for $1! I’ve always loved them, but they never lasted long on my finger. I would end up breaking them on some hard surface within a few days. Hematite isn’t the strongest mineral.

The mold making was the hardest part really. The casting was super simple. I used a slow curing plastic because of the blended pieces I was trying out, so there’s loads of bubbles in this batch. I really don’t care though, since these are for fun. Tests. I’ll be keeping most of them, and a few will be sent out to my product testers (I have a small group of girls who test out my pieces and send me feedback). I’ve also sent a few to loyal customers already too.

So now a question… Should I sell these? Or are they only worthy of a gift in large orders? I’m not quite sure if there’s a market for plastic rings in weird colors. I guess this is something I should look into!!

Behind the Scenes: Organizing the Workroom

I spent some time this weekend FINALLY organizing my workroom, or trying to at least. The poor room has been in shambles since February, which is when I started on the gluten testing (and got super sick and weak). I had been just throwing stuff in boxes on the floor or on the table. Nothing was where it was supposed to be and it was starting to get out of hand. How could I start working again if I couldn’t find anything?

I wish I could say I finished the room, but if that was true, you would see more than close up pictures! I still have a lot of work to do. I need to install some more shelves in the closet for supplies that are only used every so often. I need a few more containers for scrap fabric (all the blue and green fabrics are just in piles until this happens). I need to get all my quilting fabric on bolts and out of the baskets to make room for more apparel fabric (I have plans). I need to transfer all my beading supplies to one area. I need some actual lighting and maybe a chair? Ha. yeah, that’s the state of things, I don’t even have a chair!

I’m also thinking of doing some cosmetic things in the room, just to make it pretty to me. I was thinking last night about maybe a chalkboard wall? I have one in my kitchen and love it, but I’m a bit worried about a mess. The one in the kitchen leaves chalk dust all over the baseboards and wood floors. It’s easy enough to clean up, but I don’t know how easy that would be on carpet. Has anyone else had experience with this? How about Chalk Pens? Maybe they wouldn’t have the dust? (I think I have one around here somewhere to try out)

Once this room is done, just like the kitchenette, I’ll share more photos!!

Oh and friendly reminder! make sure to check out yesterdays post where you can win a Blue Garden necklace, just by telling me your favorite color combo!

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Donuts and Glitter

I was prepping and unpacking a bunch of my new supplies today, when I felt the need to photograph some of them! These are all supplies to be used in my next batch of plastic pieces, even the little donuts I found! How cute are they?!? I have this new love for glitter, and I can’t wait to use them all!

I am planning on casting again next week, as long as everything falls into place. I have a few new designs in the works, plus some modified versions from the last batch (medium sized arrows anyone?). I’m excited!

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