Shop Update: Looms


A few months back I made these laser cut looms for my Girl Scout troop so we could all learn to weave! The girl absolutely loved them.

I had posted about them on social media, as I usually do, and I received A LOT of comments asking when I would sell them. I was currently swamped with freelance work and knew I couldn’t handle the orders. So I held off.

Well, fast forward to a week or so ago, and a few friends kindly asked if I would make their shop/kid/them a loom or twelve. I said yes, and then decided to just add them to the shop!


Which brings us to today! They are now available in the shop in two sizes, with more to come and can be customized with a name or saying of you choice!

I am absolutely loving the process of making these and hope to continue for awhile.

Photo Jan 23, 9 36 15 AM

You can find the above looms, plus other weaving tools in the shop!

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Weaving, Looms and Change

Weaving_002_001Since even before the new year started, I have been feeling very discontent. I got burned out on quilting due to health issues mixed with very tight deadlines. It’s been two months now and I haven’t sewn anything. Which is just plain crazy to me.

To fill the void that was once taken up by quilting, I decided to try out weaving again!


Well, let’s just say that I took to it very fast. I absolutely love it. It’s calming and I can just sit and watch TV while working on some random design that I have no true plans for. It’s like improv quilting without all the stress about if it will lay flat or not.

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