This was the ornament set I was talking about last week! The one close to my nerdy heart. I made it as part of an ornament swap I signed up for hosted by Shari of Unpetitmeow. It was all done through Instagram, so you could see whatever everyone else was making, and try and guess who was whose secret partner!
My partner just happened to be a friend of mine, Heather (I seriously lucked out guys!). Her lists of favorites was awesome! Futurama, Cryptozoology, Twin Peaks and knitting. I don’t know anything about knitting, so I went with the first three. The first thought I had was “how about Fry dressed up as a yeti? or maybe sasquatch?” Well I ran with it and made a clay Frysquatch! (my own made up term) The other ornament is a simple log to represent the Log Lady’s Log!
They were both so much fun to do!! I want to make the entire set of Futurama for my tree, and maybe even a set of Bob’s Burger characters?
I have been asked a bunch of times already if I will make these, and the Donut Mushroom Hybrid ornaments for sale. I am contemplating remaking the mushrooms and the log and casting them for next year, but I WILL NOT be selling any Frysquatch ornaments. I don’t like the idea of selling licensed anything. I even felt weird making this as a gift, it’s a gray area and I’d rather stay there. I just knew Heather would love it, and I made no profit from it.
But yeah, keep an eye out for replicas of the others! I have been itching to do more 3D molds, but never could decide WHAT to cast. Now I know and I’m excited to get back on track. When would be a good time of year to add them to my shop?
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