Personalized Ceramic Ornaments for Silhouette America

Personalized Ceramic Ornaments by Jessee M for Silhouette America {an Art School Dropout's life}Last week on the Silhouette America blog I shared a few personalized ceramic ornaments I made. I used their Gold Vinyl and $1 ceramic ornaments I found at AC Moore!

They are PERFECT gift toppers or small gifts for when you just have way too many family members! They are also great for kids with unique names, so they can have their own personalized ornaments every year.

Personalized Ceramic Ornaments by Jessee M for Silhouette America {an Art School Dropout's life}

You can see more photos and a full description here.

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A Round Quilted Table Topper For Silhouette America

A Round Quilted Table Topper For Silhouette AmericaTwo weeks ago I did a half tutorial over on the Silhouette America blog showcasing the above table topper! It was super easy to put together and looks awesome with my Pyrex bowls.

So if you’re looking for a quick gift or decoration, then go check out the post,! (Theres way more photos too!)

Also, if you are already a Silhouette user, then make sure to check out the Silhouette Design Team Blog Hop Giveaways! Theres just one more day left to enter.

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My Hexagon Stocking Project For Silhouette America PLUS a Blog Hop Giveaway!

My Hexagon Stocking Project for Silhouette America {an Art School Dropout's life}To jump start the holiday season and to celebrate all things handmade, the Silhouette Design team is having an awesome Blog Hop! We each made a project using our favorite Silhouette product and are also giving it away (all the information is at the bottom of the post). How awesome is that?!?

My favorite product is the Silhouette brand Sewable Fabric Interfacing. I use it in every fabric project I make for their blog, plus a load of personal projects for myself. It’s a great time saver that adds a special personal touch to your sewing projects. I use it to personalize quilted pieces or cut super intricate designs. It’s also great for kids clothes and any type of sewn gift.

My Hexagon Stocking Project for Silhouette America {an Art School Dropout's life} My Hexagon Stocking Project for Silhouette America {an Art School Dropout's life}I chose a personalized stocking as the project to showcase the Sewable Interfacing because it’s been on my to do list for YEARS! I started three, one for each of us, but was only able to finish the one shown due to my sewing machine malfunctioning. I’m hoping to share the other two, that my family helped design, later in the month.

I wanted to show each of our very different personalities in a quilted sock form. Mine shows my love for shapes, polka dots, fabric with writing on it and the color gray. The Honeycomb Background design file would have taken forever to cut by hand, but with my Silhouette CAMEO it only took a few minutes.

My Hexagon Stocking Project for Silhouette America {an Art School Dropout's life}I also love how it looks super complicated, but was super easy to put together!

I used the Stocking design file and enlarged it as big I could to fit on the 12″x24″ cutting mat. I cut just the basic stocking shape out of card stock. I then opened the Honeycomb Background file and tilted it slightly so the edge near the toe made it look like a sock with those different colored toe tips. I clicked on “Release Compound Path” so all of the honeycomb lines were separated. I deleted a few hexagons here and there so some would be solid. I used some awesome rainbow speckled denim and I wanted to showcase it here and there.

Once I was happy with the file, I grouped it back together. I prepped and cut it as a I usually do (my full tutorial on the Silhouette blog can be found here) and ironed it onto my already cut out stocking. I also cut out a basic stocking piece for the back. I then spray basted both pieces to separate cotton batting and quilted them up like I would any quilt. I cut the lining out of the cute black and gray polka dotted fabric and sewed all of them together, just like you would a zipper pouch!

After everything was sewn and turned inside out, I folded down the top cuff and added my name using the Lovely Day Font (found in the Silhouette Design Store) and some solid gray fabric to finish it off.

It took me about two hours total to finish this one stocking. Not Bad, right?!!

My Hexagon Stocking Project for Silhouette America {an Art School Dropout's life}My Hexagon Stocking Project for Silhouette America {an Art School Dropout's life}

Now onto the GIVEAWAY!

On Silhouette’s behalf, I will be giving away one pack of Silhouette Brand Sewable Interfacing and one Fabric Blade. To enter you NEED to follow Silhouette America and myself on Instagram. To earn additional entries you can follow me on Bloglovin and/or leave a comment letting me know what kind of projects you’d like to see on here in 2015!

Rules, Guidelines & Disclaimers:

This giveaway is being hosted by me, Jessee M / Art School Dropout, as part of the Silhouette Design Team Blog Hop. There will be only one winner chosen by Rafflecopter. This giveaway is open to US/Canada Residents, 18 & older.  Void where prohibited. This giveaway is not associated with Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. Prizes will be fulfilled by Silhouette America. Winner cannot have won another Silhouette America giveaway in the past 90 days. Winners should expect their prize to arrive within 4-6 weeks. Only one entry per reader, period. Only the first comment posted will be counted. Giveaway starts at midnight December 1st, 2014 and will end at 11:59PM (EST) December 5th, 2014. Whew, I think that’s it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck to everyone who enters. Please head on over to Guiseppa Gubler’s blog to find out what she’s giving away. Then from there hop on over to the next one and the next. If all works out you should finish up right back here where you started. If you’d like to start at the begging then go check out the Blog Hop Giveaway post on the Silhouette America Blog.


Here’s a list of ALL of the Silhouette Design Team Blog Hop Posts in case you think you may have missed one!…

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My EPP Batman Mini Quilt

My friends over at Crafty Geeks celebrated their Instagram followers this month by organizing an english paper piecing (EPP) contest! They sent out a Batman and a Wolverine pattern to all of their interested followers and gave us a month to put something together.

Crafty Geeks Paper Pieced Batman {an Art School Dropout's life}Of course I fell behind (I took on too much this past month) and was only able to make Batman. I used some of my favorite fabrics for a very neutral looking piece.

He measures 8″ square and is quilted with a simple 45 degree angled straight line. I hand sewed the binding on while watching Constantine, so it’s a bit wonky because I was so interested in the show! ( At least I was was watching a DC show while sewing a DC character, right?). It’s the perfect size for our pop culture gallery wall, and even though he’s not the correct colors, my husband approves!

I absolutely loved how nicely the Crafty Geeks pattern went together, and will totally be sewing more soon. Most likely after the crazy holiday season is over! I 100% recommend that all my nerdy sewing friends out there check out their shop!

Crafty Geeks Paper Pieced Batman {an Art School Dropout's life} Crafty Geeks Paper Pieced Batman {an Art School Dropout's life} Crafty Geeks Paper Pieced Batman {an Art School Dropout's life} Crafty Geeks Paper Pieced Batman {an Art School Dropout's life}


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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween Plaque by Jessee M for Silhouette America {an Art School Dropout's life}Happy Halloween! I hope you are all having a great one!

I know there isn’t much time left to make the above project for this years Halloween, BUT you can alter it slightly for Thanksgiving, or make it winter themed! If you’d like to see more photo’s, along with instructions then you should check out my blog post over on Silhouette America’s blog!


I’ve been missing from this here blog. Between family obligations, deadlines and a cold turned pneumonia I hardly had free time. The free time I do have goes towards teaching myself Illustrator, how to use a Wacom tablet and anything else to better my creative side. I’m hoping to be back to a normal schedule soon. I have so many ideas, I just want to be able to execute them the best way I can.


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Stenciled Zipper Pouches for Silhouette America

cameraseverywhere_001_550Yesterday my first post for Silhouette America’s blog went live! The first of many!! (If you missed it you can read about one of my new role’s as part of their 2014 – 2015 Design Team here).

It uses the free shape of the week and their Fabric Starter Kit. The process is super simple and yields great results. The coolest part is when people see them they think they are screen printed! Goal achieved.


You can read more about the entire process over on their blog here.

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