Win This Papercut Dachshund!

dachshund_giveaway_001 dachshund_giveaway_002About a month ago I bought a new toy, a crafting toy to be exact! It’s a Silhouette Portrait and it is seriously my new favorite tool. I never really messed around with paper crafts before, and I’m not a scrapbooker, but I thought I could still find a use for it. Well, I found loads of uses actually and can’t wait to share them all with you guys.

You’re probably wondering now what this has to do with the “WIN THIS” flag above, well I made the above paper cut using my machine and one of my animal doodles I mentioned on Monday. I made it purely to see if I COULD. I love experimenting and testing my limits, and this was one of the outcomes. I want to make some many more too!!!

I love the print, but I don’t own a Dachshund and I felt like there might be someone out there who loves them more and would like a likeness on their walls! So here goes…

If you love wiener dogs, paper cut pieces or this piece just “speaks to you” (hahaha) then you can enter to win by just leaving a comment below. The comment can say anything. You can tell me about your day, what your favorite food is, what you think I should make next, or whatever else is on your mind! Please keep it nice and clean though, I guess thats the only rule. The print measures a total of 8.5″x11″, that includes the chipboard I mounted it to. You have until next Wednesday night to enter (January 22nd at midnight EST) , and I’ll choose a winner the next day!!

Entries are closed for this giveaway!


The winner is comment #3, Katie T.

I’ve contacted Katie, but if she doesn’t get back to me, then i will choose a second winner!!

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