Discontinued Art School Dropout Goods

1033_550I haven’t been feeling my best lately, so I have been trying to find something to do with my time that doesn’t require a lot of moving around. One of the things I found I could do was go through all of the boxes of discontinued Art School Dropout goods I have stashed away and put them up for sale. I would rather sell them at a much lower price and send them off to a new home, then have them sit around in storage forever where no one can enjoy them.

I decided to initially keep the sale separated in an Instagram shop. Somewhere where I could just snap the photos quickly and upload them with out a whole bunch of work. I’d add them every Tuesday and Friday morning before CT woke up and then go about my day. This system has worked out perfectly so far and I’ve cleaned out a small chunk of pieces, but I realize not everyone who may want these pieces uses instagram. Which made me think that if something is still available after three sales I can just delete it on Instagram and add it to the SALE section of my shop. I will probably do this with pieces I have a large quantity of and some loose pieces too.

You can see all the pieces I’ve added so far HERE.

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